We select a small part of the skill and focus on that sub-skill only.
(for example if you want to improve communication skills, we focus only on “choice of words”)
We create a clear learning plan that includes in-classroom and out-of-classroom activities, only focused on the sub-skill.
Participants practice, get feedback, practice more, get homework, come back for more practice and feedback until they have really mastered the sub-skill.
Participants demonstrate their newly gained sub-skill.
Trainer provides evidence to your organization about improved sub-skills.
Your organization reaps the benefits of the improved sub-skill.
dealing with difficult customers
delivering bad news
dealing with difficult customers
dealing with difficult customers
No-nonsense-training can also assist your organization with skill-assessments for the afore-mentioned skills
(building a strategy)
A shiny certificate that shows you attended a training , but that means nothing in the
real world.
100+ powerpoint slides that you will never look at again.
Practice practice practice, until it’s perfect